Service Offered

Our shared visions yield better, long lasting results

Your business’ survival and success in today’s economy hugely lies in making the right
decisions. These decisions should add value to your investment and fit into the big picture of your plans.

This is where our services come in. We create solutions that add value to your overall business by combining proven techniques with new age ideas and detailed analyses. And because we provide thorough consulting services, we also help your business adapt to industry and economic changes. Our experienced consultants will help your executives make quick decisions to preserve your company or to seize new opportunities.

With the help of our business consultants, many small and medium businesses have harnessed the power of technology to increase the gap between their company and their competitors. Our local and international business consultants can give you valuable insight in any industry or country. Needless to say, we provide round the clock services to different companies around the globe.

Avteo helps businesses streamline their process, link loose ends, hone new ideas and adapt to the ever changing market. We help organizations reach their potential through continuous working partnerships and shared ambitions.

Benefits of Avteo’s Consulting and Outsourcing Services

  • We can identify the best hiring and management practices for foreign companies
  • We work hard to improve our client’s services and products, hence increasing their sales and market share
  • Our services are bundled to provide a holistic solution to your organizational needs
  • Our business consultants bring you their combined expertise, market knowledge and innovative ideas to bring positive

Avteo’s Consulting and Outsourcing Services

  • Human resource services, including payroll, staffing and employee benefit management
  • Call center services
  • Information and technology
  • Finance and accounting
  • Business operations consulting
  • Business valuation and exit strategy planning
  • Promotion and marketing services
  • Network planning
  • Import and export opportunities and consultation
  • Back office functions
  • Contingency planning and execution
  • Project management

Aside from our extensive list of services, we also provide our clients with connections and networking opportunities to executives and key officers in other industries. This helps our clients learn from other industry leaders and expand their business reach to other markets.

Avteo stands ready to helpcompany’s large and small outsourcetheir needs to achieve long lasting and sizeable results. Together, we help you and your business cross
boundaries and energize your team to achieve success.